x marks the needy

June 28, 2009

Am I a diva? Perhaps, in my own respect. I am NOT, however, a princess.

Word to your mother, I can handle my own and remain true to MY business.

So why do the princesses get all the love?

(oh, right… because they beg for it).


this will be depressing.

Luckily, I have created a colour schemed named PROZAK.

I really want those sunglasses. In black though w/ red stripes…

Goddamn my materialistic tendencies.


1) She recycles.

2) She plays loud music and sings along 9 times out of 10.

3) She cries when she drives past the airport. And has no idea why she does that.

4) She works better by herself,  certain personalities are such a drag.

5) She’s a fan of aromatherapy.

6) She enjoys Spanish and French movies, Portuguese history books and Classic rock.

7) She does not believe that punk is dead.

8  ) She hates talking on the phone, she would rather T bomb.

9) She makes up words and feelings and circumstances.

10) She is only Miss Lonelyheart half of the time. The other half, she  goes by Miss Simplynoheart.

BONUS:  She enjoys speaking in 3rd person.

Oh, I just love Bob Dylan. His new record is full of loveliness! You MUST MUST MUST pick it up!

“Are you planning on getting an apartment?”


“By yourself or with me?”

“Whatever comes first.”


What’s on the docket?


Plenty of readings, a couple of midterms and a handful of major assignments.

Wondering where I am? Either in my bedroom (not sleeping), in transit, at school, or in transit in the opposite direction.

“Nanda, you look different.”

“Oh yea, I got a haircut. That’s probably why.”

No worries, my hair still looks like it can take on the world.

newhaircut3And green shirts rock, too.


(Anyone else find it amusing that Katy Perry designed a body suit for H&M, yet thinks guys who wear H&M scarves are gay? )

I decided to raid Toronto on Saturday with my boo. And not for Luminato or that x amount of guitars playing the same song thing. We went to window shop and enjoy that unique Toronto air.

Toronto always leaves me feeling as if I have been violated. While I enjoy the bohemian  atmosphere… on my drive back to Brampton I always debate, with who ever I am with, if I would be capable of living there.

Oh! Even though I have been saying I want to experience American Apparel, I was too afraid to actually go inside. I think it was the weird mannequin set up that caused my fright.

I did stumble into Urban Outfitters. The result, a tunic.

my fave shirt

Bleh, Mariana’s Trench is playing… September.

And the title of this post is necessary… it is homage to my moccasins which I threw out once I got home. They were destroyed. It’s OK, I have my eyes on a pair of Toms.

I’ve got homework.


Here are some of my thoughts on gossip in the workplace:

If  you’re going to say something, it better be worth while.

Simple trash talking, with the fear of being overheard, doesn’t hold any weight.

Trash talk, though trash talk, must be true. Or hold SOME truth that you can run with. I am not interested in the virginal girl possibly being a slut. Tell me about the slutty looking girl doing things totally out of the question for most girls. OH YES.

D, here’s to you. Ballerina flats, black skirts and cute cat stories. I have met my match.