hey love..

March 29, 2009

a scary movie and ice cream,fruit decorated crepes at midnight. Coffee and gummy bears for breakfast.

Our itinerary reveals much about us and our love.

I went home to download Taylor Swift.

My evening began with OPI- You’re A  Star and A Global Beauty.

I should get back to my sketches..


.fingerprints and sweat.

March 29, 2009

Dinner was delicious.

Cheers to venting and Italian food. This might just be heaven.

Or heavier. In that case, my appetite won’t be back.

Luxurious suede comforter.our warm hearts. Where do we go from here?


Flat the next morning. Hello Friday, my expectations for today are rather quaint.


Wednesday, no doubt.

footsteps. creaking door.laying there, as expected.

y o u ‘ r e i n m o t i o n – (consulting clocks).

