Katie’s painting

April 30, 2009

It’s finished! Katie’s masterpiece is finally complete!

Well, I don’t know if its really a masterpeice, but it’s definitely not horrible.

For the last month or so I have been working on a painting for a co worker of mine. Her name is Katie and she is intriguing, strong, optimistic, immortal and a fellow bohemian spirit.

Our common appreciation of the Monarch butterfly is from where the decision to paint one roots itself.

Now, before this I had never painted before. Maybe years ago in grade school but it was not to this degree. I am taken back in  my memory to something I made for  my mother at school. I painted a wooden ball as if it were the world. Complete with oceans and land and the arctic regions. I attached the globe to a piece of cardboard and above it in black paint wrote ” The world’s no.1 mom”. Katie’s painting is a couple levels up on the creative ladder. And a tad more age appropriate.

My end result is a abstract looking caramel, rusted amber with slight tones of yellow coloured Monarch. Both thick and thin black lining and detailing and of course, an overload of those gorgeous white spots the Monarch sports on its wings. This Monarch sits on a thin, stripped branch which I would place right here in Brampton. With all the expansion and construction – the land here, still very earthy and tree covered but in a phase of slow transformation.

I hope she likes it!

(Play your part, but keep your heart). Nna

PS- the gray dress DID NOT work out. I await the day a jersey dress falls right on me.

Listening to Girl Talk has brought up  a slight creative wave in me… ;P

(and all the hoes be like “who da fuck is dat?”) haha

With 2 exams killed off today I am feeling a tad accomplished. Now, just another two tomorrow and it is OVER! Two weeks to spend non conforming to any timetables, stiff due dates and the diverse personalities of my teachers.Just doing things at my own leisure.

(of course, I find it in other peoples pleasure.) (speaking of which, I should bring out those white chucks.)

But hold on, whats that creeping up ? Another semester. Hell, I am ready.

PS- Can’t lie, I am getting pretty excited about that gray dress Lena is bringing in for me tomorrow… with 2 thin black leather belts and classy flats; I will be the hippest crime fighter this city has ever seen.

I might have to skip town though. B town is hella lackluster. And 2 belts can’t even help it.

Gawd. Check me out, talking all FASHIONISTA-LIKE… Actually, I don’t give a shit about YOUR  fashion.

(I pocket money, money is my hobby.)

Word. martha_graham_dancer_1931

fuck it. I need amo.

News Fa-lash!

April 15, 2009

In today’s news..

The new Seneca handbook cover design has been selected, as voted by you!

It looks rad. I love it. Too bad I won’t be around for next year, though!

I have attached a pic, just for reference. Goddamn colourful..very Nick La.

Also, Metric show tonight @ the Mod Club. Did not go. But I wish I could have.

I am hoping to get my little hands on some live footage of the show. Just for the hell of it.

So..I got home from school with a little time to spare. What did I waste a little time doing? Inverting the colour in some of my favorite photographs. As you can see from the previous entry- I am quite amused by it. Nothing is more  sexy like looking RADIOACTIVE.


I miss  you already.


Illumination. Day One

April 12, 2009

So who am I?

I am a bit of a confused, slightly misled art nerd- I guess.

Confused. Confused because while most 23 year old women may know where they are headed in their lives and have some sort of attainable goal set in their minds- I don’t.  Well, not one of substantial long term importance. I have always been too busy living for the moment and obsessing over the small things. All the while, losing touch with my own interests and possible creative outlets waiting to be exploited. And, as my first semester of college comes to an end..and second semester is ever approaching, I find myself debating “what’s next?”.. My response?  No idea. Maybe, “wait and see”? That one usually pans out.

Slightly misled. Slightly misled because with every hurdle beat, my focus shifts in another direction. Which may be why I put off applying for college until last year. Being able to manipulate different medias of communication has definitely helped in pulling my senses together. .Leaving me checking out the simple things and seeing them through a prism ,of sorts, identifying how they influence everything around them. Including me. And landed me sitting passenger in my boyfriends car, accusing him of taking Robins for granted. (yes, the bird.)

Art nerd. Ahh.. photography,painting,art galleries, colour wheels and equal distribution of light, spices, eyeshadow. Oh and  yes, Azure eyeliner. Whatever the residue of “Art” is made of..it’s something to be immersed in. Daily.

It has penetrated my tough skin and hard skull and now it lives in everything I create, every action I choose as a reaction or retaliation and it even attaches itself to the words I speak.

Whoa. Where did that come from?

Really now, who am I?

I am Nna. A Media Fundamentals student standing in front of a whiteboard, permanent marker in hand.  And what have I scribbled on the board?

“world domination or bust.”  Now, there’s an attainable goal.

Happy Sunday.

Protocol: (4) “an agreement between states.” and I guess having second thoughts is a result of our protocol. So, I should just address it and leave it on the table for you. Maybe a negotiation of sorts can follow the insertion of my foot in to my mouth. ?

Baby blue. Amber. Champagne. Angel. Green tea. Glowing. Lancome. Chinese paintings. Broken mirrors. V tech. Femme. Lotus. Toni&Guy. Princess. Television. tna.

Rain boots. Photographs. Unpaid bills. Motorola. Seneca. Coca Cola. hole puncher. blow dryer. cords. laundry.

I have constructed a well. And in this well I will throw all the things I think necessary for smooth transitioning from day to day.

Watch me squirm afterwards.


…and one with a navy blue raincoat, I must add.

(that’s right, I did it. I went to the mall on Good Friday and purchased something ROTTEN!)

I  could get used to long weekends being a constant. Completing assignments online is rather stress free. Mind you, Itunes must be on Shuffle mode to REALLY enjoy it.

“Nanda, you look like a reporter!”        whoa, there’s some inspiration.

Still sick. Word.

April 9, 2009

Still cannot:

  • taste
  • laugh,yell without coughing
  • breathe out of my nose
  • sleep properly, closely cuddled with my boy
  • help but sneeze several times every hour
  • control my coughing while on the bus, seated next to a HEALTHY complete stranger
  • come to terms with the fact that I am a walking GERM!

Cheers to Buckleys, tea with honey, chicken soup and calling in sick!

Word to your mother. yup.environmentalportaits-068

due dates and goldfish

April 7, 2009

A due date is a due date is a due date. I am not a fan of miscommunication or forgetfulness.. I believe in due dates.

In other news, I have fallen ill. An image of a stray dog in Iraq comes to mind when I am asked to describe how I feel.No need to worry, good ol Buckleys will be spending the night. I should be good by morning.

After a verbal confrontation with one of the lab monitors, my day went a bit downhill.  Over to Blueberry Hill for french toast and a small purchase at the York bookstore. Great pen selection for us south paws.

Forgive me, noon approaches as does a certain presentation by mr Stevie Starr himself.