It’s meeting productive, good spirited,stable people that is quite a feat.

Maybe it’s only the case in Brampton.

This “we do drugs,we’re in our mid 20’s, we’re cool” thing is the farthest thing from cool.

I am 23 years old, I have lived in the U.S.A, Europe and Canada. I completed 2 years of high school in Portugal and the other 3 in Canada. (Yes, my class was allowed OAC year in high school.) I grew up with my grandparents, on their big farm in Portugal and I am a fan of the simple life. I am conservative, rational, a minimalist when it comes to art and hell, some may say I am a bitch, too.

I have a VERY colourful past. From that past I have learned how to live a happy life. I learned what to omit, what to add and what to base my life around. Some people my age are still trying to figure that out, I guess.

That being said, I am not wearing a sign around my neck that says I am eager and willing to participate and be witness to their trial run at life.

I am a linear, passionate, logical, left hemisphere dominant Libra. When I feel something or a certain way I make it obvious. I am known for leaving parties when they start going rancid, I am known for shifting moods as soon as I notice something unacceptable and frankly, I am very good at not giving a shit about what John, Jane Doe have to say about it.

I really know how to wrap up a Sunday, as well.

*kisses**love**double happiness*

Coffee with Danika.

May 23, 2009

(don’t sign up for it.)

As Danika’s pupils dilated, my yawning was scared away. And the ride was not that bad after all.

Except for when we got lost. Yep, that was weird. Unfortunately, I did not have  my  camera with me though I swear to you we found ourselves in China.

and then we were out, then back in, and out once more… walking through walls and opening imaginary doors. Voila, home at last.

Only to depart again, hours later.

“Here’s a super fantastic imported coffee, on me.”

“We were on our way out, were we not?”

3am. Good night.environmentalportaits 109

I am the authority.

Ocean drive and Piccadilly.

I think they shut off the heat in the apartment building. Not even the thought of those colours could warm me up.


Lets bite the hand that feeds us.  I’m angry this morning and I haven’t been exposed to anything I would have reason to respond negatively towards.


1st week denouement

May 18, 2009

Second semester has separated me  from electronic equipment and  has taken me back to the drawing board, looking to one of my own assets for ideas and ways to display creativity. The asset I am referring to, of course, is my intelligence. Thanks De Souza, of all the lectures I soaked up during first semester, one of the first sentences you ever spoke is the deepest engraved of all the others.

Your intelligence is the only asset you need.

On Tuesday mornings, I find myself exposed to another great mind.  Sharon Winstanley. While we dissect film and determine story arcs and POV’s, the class is given time to speak of current movies which left some sort of imprint on us. Truth be told, I have not been to the movies in forever… and have spent most of my free time catching up on 24 episodes I have missed. While the cinematic  value of 24 is something spectacular- It isn’t a movie. The quality of its components are  minuscule compared to a film seen on a large screen in a theater.

(Note to self, 2 movies I must see by months end: Angels & Demons, state of play and hell, throw Year One in there for the comedy value. Alright, 3 total.) It will probably be harder to save up  the  cash to SEE the movies, then to venture out to the theater.

My second class on Tuesdays is Creativity & New Media. Nancy Paterson is my teacher and to be quite honest, while she may come off as an intense artist… I can tell Nancy is retaining some truly creative techniques and “outside the box” ideas and I am looking forward to what will unfold in the coming 13 weeks of the semester. Check her out on

Wednesday brings along an English class scheduled closer to the early afternoon. The teacher is still working towards completing her PhD, trained to teach at University level and has taught in Ireland and studied in England. After class the teacher shared some of her hurdles with a couple of classmates and I. And explained how she moved her way up( through school and the different levels of teaching), ignoring any condescending man who crossed her path, attempting to tear her down. Her ability to handle stress is evident in her youthful glow. That’s inspiration right there.

News release writing, headline writing, writing for radio… I can handle it. All that CNNing must have instilled something in my brain!

Did I mention, I have film class twice a week for 6 hours total? uh huh 🙂

Photoshop and electronic publishing- No biggie. This semester, I  came prepared. Check out what I got in my purse- and it isn’t mass amounts of  narcotics.- It’s goddamn determination.

It’s Victoria day, what are you doing indoors? We should all be out gardening and mending our vegetable gardens! Toodles.homeland

What have I learned this week? Leonardo DaVinci wrote backwards his entire life. A mirror would be necessary to read his journals. That’s kind of scary because I wrote backwards as well during my first years in school. I have always blamed it on the fact that I am left handed and not because I am completely, intellectually, RH LH corrupted. Was DaVinci left handed? Let me research.

New flash, scrolly bar material: Seneca has upgraded their pen selection.

and I’m off in a rush! Nna

May 6th

May 6, 2009

Ok, so I have been pulling in some extra hours at work and despite not noticing it on  my paycheck… This has left me sort of busy and definitely tired.

But here is something to awake my senses – My boyfriends mother scored tickets to see Springsteen tomorrow! While I may have to refresh my memory of Bruce’s greatest hits, I am truly stoked to be able to see him live. And at the same venue I saw Dylan at.

(what to wear?)

Wordcamp is this coming weekend. I am looking forward to volunteering… even though the idea of being somewhere unknown, without people I do not know and being assigned some unknown task frightens me- After all is said and done, I will be glad I involved myself.

The schedule for Wordcamp is pretty relaxed, openning party this Friday night, Saturday and Sunday 10am-3pm. Several speakers will  be there, including Dan Zen!

Now, the only thing that bothers me about this event is the fact that a main coordinator of this event has not even sent out major emails to the volunteers! I am such a communication freak, I know… but is it not completely mandatory/necessary when hosting a considerably sized event?

(who am I to judge anyways, right?)

Off to work  and then a self inflicted 24 marathon and maybe some pizza. Who’s in?